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Thursday, May 27, 2021

USE not only......... but also with Examples ।Marathi Explanation

 USE not only......... but also with Examples ।Marathi Explanation

कर्त्यामध्ये फरक  असलेली वाक्ये


1) पहिल्या कर्त्यापूरर्वी not only वापरावे .

2) दुसऱ्या कर्त्यापूरर्वी not also वापरावे .

दोन्ही वाक्यात समान आलेले भाग एकदाच लिहावा. वाक्यात  also आसल्यास काढावे.

Exa-1) Rahul took education his sister took education.

Ans- not only Rahul but also his sister to took education.

क्रियापदामध्ये फरक असलेली वाक्य.


1) पहिल्या कर्त्यापूरर्वी not only वापरावे.

2) पहिल्या कर्त्यापूरर्वी but  also वापरावे.

3) दोन्ही वाक्यात समान आलेले भाग एकदाच लिहावा. वाक्यात too, also आल्यास काढावे.

Exa:-1) Rashika went to school she took education there.

Ans- Rashika not only went to school but also took education there.

    विशेषणामध्ये फरक असलेली वाक्ये

1) पहिल्या विशेषणपूर्वी not only वापरावे.

2) दुसऱ्या विशेषणापूर्वी but also वापरावे.

Exa- He was rich ,He was powerful.

Ans- He was not only rich but also powerful.

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