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Sunday, January 2, 2022

Modern Periodic table all physical and elemental properties

 Periodic table all physical and elemental properties 

                           # Atomic size #

Across the period atomic size decreases

Down the group atomic size  



Across the period Zeff   charge goes on increasing 

(because nucleus and electron attraction was increases )

Down the  gropu Zeff  charge goes on decreases 

(because nucleus and electron attraction was low )

            # Ionizationenthlpy (I. P.) #

             /ionization potential 

Define:- the energy required to remove an electron from the isolated gaseous atom in its ground state is called ionization enthlpy 

Across the period ( I.P.)  is increases

(atomic size decreases I. p increases) 

Down the group (I.P.) is   decreases 

(atomic size increases I. P.  Decreases) 

       #Electron gain enthelpy(egH) #

Define :- the enthalpy change that takes place when an electron is added to an isolated gaseous atom in its ground state is called the electron gain enthalpy

* More the (-ve )is electron gain enthalpy 

More is the stability of that species *

Across the period electron gain enthlpy is highly -ve

(atomic size small electron gain enthlpy is highly (-ve) )

Down the group electron gain enthlpy is low( -ve)

(atomic size big electron gain enthlpy is low( -ve) )

Smaller the size highly -ve will be it's egH (more stable) 

Bigger the size low  -ve will be it's 

egH (unstable) 

Periodic trends in metallic -nonmetallic 


Metalic character decreases across the period 

Metallic character increases down a group 

Nobel gases /inert gases  are highly positive electron gain enthlpy (because theyare    stability order is completed   ) 

Nonmetallic character increases across the period and decreases down the group

                       Mind map 

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