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Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Structure of atom mind map

 Structure of atom mind map for class 11th also use in neet/jee exam 

                 *Quantum Number*

            1)Principal quantum no(n)

 this quantum number determines the main energy level or sell to which electron belongs and have values of n n=1,2,3,4

n value can never be zero


n=1.  2e

n=2.   8e

n=3.   18e

n=4.    32e

        2) Azimeuthal quantum number(l)

It is it is also called secondary angular or quantum no.number it gives the subshell to which electron belongs 

Allowted values 0 to n-1

If n=1.      The values l=0

n=2.           The values l=0


n=3.            The values  l=0



n=4.             The values.l=0




When l=o then it is the *s* subshell

When l=1 then it is the *p* subshell 

When l=2 then it is the *d* subshell 

When l=3 then it is the *f* subshell

In every sabse electronica field on the basis of formula =2(2l+1)


l=o.  2e.         S  

l=1.  6e.         P

l=2.  10e.      D

l=3.   14e.     f

        3) magnetic quantum number(m)

It is explain zeeman effect

Describe the behaviour of an electron in magnetic

Values of  m are (-l through o+l)

Suppose n=3.  L.                            Subshell 

                        O.                       []               s

                        1  -1,o,1.            [][][]           p

                        2  -2,-1,o,1,2.     [][][][][]      d

         4) spin quantum number(s)

An electron can spin clockwise or anticlockwise that is into two opposite direction

+1/2 and -1/2 orientation are clockwise or anticlockwise

                 Shapes of the orbital 

                 * s* orbit shaped 

Properties  :  giving in photo 


1) p orbits are dumbell shaped 
2) as they are directed in x,y and Z Axis they are directional in nature that is PX py pz
3) De plane along with probability of finding and electron zero is called nodal plane



1) d orbital are double dumbbell in shape

  2)They are denoted as( dxy   dyz                   dxz  dx^2y^2  dz^2)

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